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Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM)

Managed Services Solution (MSS)

Our Managed Services Solution (MSS) will provide you with your very own IT team: monitoring, managing and responding to all your computing requirements for a fraction of the cost of attempting to provide all this in-house. Plus, we will do it for a flat monthly fee per service and per device to make your budgeting and business planning easier.

Our team is highly skilled across a broad range of technologies and maintains the highest accreditations to remain at the leading edge of the changing face of technology. This means you will receive the best support and advice possible.

Pricing Schedule as of June 2024

Remote Monitoring & Management (RMM)

Windows Home/Professional 10, 11 – $5.50 per device / month

  • Daily Device Health Checks (Disk, Memory, Performance, Hardware Faults)
  • Windows Patch Management
  • Remote Support Capability

MacOS $5.50 per device / month

  • Daily Device Health Checks (Disk, Memory, Performance, Hardware Faults)
  • Regular MacOS Update triggers and Prompting
  • Remote Support Capability

Windows Server (2012 R2, 2016, 2019, 2022, – $11 per device / month

  • Daily Device Health Checks (Disk, Memory, Performance, Hardware Faults)
  • Windows Patch Management
  • Remote Support Capability

Linux (64bit) Server $11 per device / month

  • Device Health Checks (Disk, Memory, Network, Processor)
  • Service Checks – (Enabled systemctl)
  • Filesystem Capacity Checks
  • Mail Transport Agent (MTA) Checks (queue Length)
  • Failed Login Checks (thresholds)
  • Periodic RootKit Cheks

Addon – Protection Options


  • Commercial Grade Malware/Antivirus Protection – $3.30 per device / month
  • Web Protection – $3.30 per device / month


  • Commercial Grade Malware/Antivirus Protection – $3.30 per device / month
  • Web Protection – $3.30 per device / month

Linux (64bit)

  • ClamAV – Virus Definition Database Cross Checking – FREE

Mobile Smart Phones

  • BYOD Mobile Device Management – $2.50 per device / month
    • Lock Device (Remotely locks the device to prevent access)
    • Instant Restart (IOS Only)
    • Set Passcode (Android Only)
    • Clear Passcode (Android Only)
    • Reset/Add Passcode and lock (Windows Phone 8)
    • Trigger the device’s ringtone regardless of volume (Windows Phone 8)
  • Mobile Device Management – $2.99 per device / month
    • Lock Device (Remotely locks the device to prevent access)
    • Instant Restart (IOS Only)Set Passcode (Android Only)
    • Clear Passcode (Android Only)Reset/Add Passcode and lock
    • Trigger the device’s ringtone regardless of volume (Windows Phone 8)
    • Remote Wipe Capability (Apple, Android and Windows Phone)
    • Wifi Access Point Password Injection (Ideal for executive travellers)
    • Update Location Information (Apple, Android and Windows Phone)

Addon – Backup Options

Windows (Home/Professional)

  • Document Backups – $3.30 per workstation / month
    • Restore any version from the last 28 days in seconds
    • 2 backups per day of valuable office files
Documents Edition Supported File Types

The following file formats are supported by the Documents Backup & Recovery option for Windows workstations and laptops.

File extensionFile type name
Microsoft Word (Office 97-2003)
.DOCWord document
.DOTWord document template
.WBKWord backup document
Microsoft Word Open XML (introduced in Office 2007)
.DOCBWord binary document
.DOCMWord macro-enabled document
.DOCXWord document
.DOTXWord document template
Other types of text files
.ODTOpenDocument text document
.PAGESPages document
.PSWPocket Word document
.RTFRich text format file
.SDWStarOffice Writer text document
.STWStarOffice document Template
.SXWStarOffice Writer document
.TXTPlain text file
.UOFUniform Office document
.UOTUniform Office document
.VORStarOffice template
.WPDWordPerfect document
.WPSMicrosoft Works word processor file
File extensionFile type name
.CSVComma-separated values file
.ODCOffice data connection file
.ODFApache OpenOffice math file
.ONEOneNote document
.PLISTApple properties list settings and configuration file
.PSTOutlook Personal information store file
.SLKSymbiotic link file
.XMLExtensible Markup Language data file
File extensionFile type name
.ODGOpenDocument drawing file
.PDFPortable document format file
.PUBMicrosoft Publisher publication
.XPSXML paper specification file
File extensionFile type name
Microsoft PowerPoint (Office 97-2003)
.POTPowerPoint template
.PPSPowerPoint slide show
.PPTPowerPoint presentation
Microsoft PowerPoint Open XML (introduced in Office 2007)
.POTMPowerPoint macro-enabled presentation template
.POTXPowerPoint template
.PPAMPowerPoint macro-enabled add-in
.PPSMPowerPoint macro-enabled slide show
.PPSXPowerPoint slide show
.PPTMPowerPoint macro-enabled presentation
.PPTXPowerPoint presentation
.SLDMPowerPoint macro-enabled slide
.SLDXPowerPoint slide
Other types of presentation files
.KEYKeynote presentation
.ODPOpenDocument presentation
.OTPOpenDocument presentation template
.SDDStarOffice presentation
.STIStarOffice presentation template
.SXIStarOffice Impress presentation
.UOPUniform office presentation
File extensionFile type name
Microsoft Excel (Office 97-2003)
.XLMExcel macro file
.XLSExcel workbook
.XLTExcel template
Microsoft Excel Open XML (introduced in Office 2007)
.XLSMExcel macro-enabled workbook
.XLSXExcel workbook
.XLTMExcel macro-enabled template
.XLTXExcel template
Misc. Excel formats
.XLAExcel add-in file that contains macros
.XLAMExcel add-in file
.XLSBExcel binary worksheet (BIFF12)
.XLLExcel add-in file
.XLWExcel work space
Other types of spreadsheets
.DIFData interchange format
.NUMBERSApple Numbers application file
.ODSOpenDocument spreadsheet
.PXLPocket Excel file
.SDCApache OpenOffice Calc spreadsheet
.STCStarOffice Calc spreadsheet template
.SXCStarOffice Calc spreadsheet
.UOSUniform Office spreadsheet
.XLRMicrosoft Works spreadsheet
File extensionFile type name
Microsoft Access
.ACCDBAccess 2007 database file
.ACCDEAccess execute only database
.ACCDRAccess runtime application
.ACCDTMicrosoft Access database template
.MDBMicrosoft Access database
Other types of database filess
.DBFDatabase file
.PDBProgram database
File extensionFile type name
Microsoft Office Visio
.VDXVisio Drawing XML file
.VSDVisio Drawing file
.VDSMVisio Macro-Enabled drawing
.VSDXVisio Drawing
.VSLVisio Add-on
.VSSVisio Stencil file
.VSSXVisio Stencil file
.VSTVisio Drawing template
.VSTMVisio Macro-enabled drawing template
.VSTXVisio Drawing template
.VSWVisio workspace file
.VSXVisio Stencil XML file
.VTXVisio Template XML file
Other types of vector image files
.OTGOpenDocument graphic template
.SDAStarOffice drawing
.STDApache OpenOffice drawing template
.SXDStarOffice drawing
File extensionFile type name
.BDOCBinary DigiDoc signature file
File extensionFile type name
.QBBQuickBooks backup file
File extensionFile type name
.OTHOpenDocument HTML template


  • Document Backups – $3.30 per workstation / month
    • Restore any version from the last 28 days in seconds
    • 2 backups per day of valuable office files

Windows (Home/Professional)

  • Fully-featured, professional workstation backup- $24.95 per workstation / month
    (Backs up your complete hard drives for bare metal restoration capability)
    • Full system backup
    • 2 storage locations: local & cloud
    • Restore single files or an entire workstation
    • Bare-metal recovery
    • Virtual disaster recovery

Windows Server

  • Up to 500GB – $110 per Server / month
  • Additional Space – $99 per TB per month