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AzureAD Endpoint Management and Policies

Approved Systems can assist with implementing a standardised Policy for your Fleet of Devices which are connected to Microsoft 365 AzureAD.

Examples of Polices which can be managed or provided (but not limited to)

  • PC Lock Screen Image
    • Implement supplied fixed image with your Company Logo and a contact number in case the PC is lost and found.
    • Rotational Graphics with a Message or theme for a set duration.
  • Desktop Wallpaper
    • Implement supplied fixed image with your Company Logo on it
    • Rotational Graphics with a message or theme for a set duration.
  • Forced Screen Saver with set activation if idle for a number of minutes
  • Auto Lock PC when away for a number of minutes
  • Disable USB Drives access or prevent writing out company data to an unauthorised USB Disk Drive.
  • Push out Software to End Devices (for All Users or Users in specific Security Groups)
  • Push out Printer and Drivers to End Devices (for All Users or Users in specific Security Groups)
  • Enforce Bit-locker Drive Encryption
  • Perform Compliance Checks based on your company Policy or via the Essential 8 Risk Mitigation Strategy Guidelines
  • Enforce a Power Saving Policy to assist with Power consumption after hours.

Our dedicated team operates in Australia.