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Microsoft 365 / G-Suite Backups

Our Microsoft 365 (formerly known as Office 365) and G-Suite Backup Services is a SaaS Protection Service with Backups occurring 3 times per day.

Keep data safe with Microsoft 365

When organisations adopt Microsoft 365, it is critical to understand that Microsoft’s service agreement does not hold Microsoft responsible for backing up your data. Most SaaS vendors operate under something called “the Shared Responsibility model” this basically means that Microsoft and others will protect their applications and infrastructure but not the data within, that falls to users.

Backing up Microsoft 365 is a must for any business and SaaS vendors often recommend taking a backup of your data, including Microsoft, to protect against data loss. Human error is the leading cause of data loss for businesses, but it doesn’t stop there. In addition to accidental, or malicious deletion, a backup is also necessary due to threats from:

  • Ransomware, virus, or other malware
  • External hackers
  • Hard disk or storage damage
  • Software corruption
  • Natural disaster

As the business world has moved from local applications to cloud based applications, so must your Business Continuity Disaster Recovery (BCDR) plan. There is no need to panic, Approved Systems can easily provide a SaaS Protection to their clients to ensure total data protection. Approved Systems SaaS Backup is a backup solution that provides organisations with a highly effective defense against data loss vulnerabilities.

By deploying Microsoft 365 backup tools you ensure a fast, effective recovery path that native Microsoft tools can’t deliver. Approved Systems SaaS Backup Protection not only ensures a reliable backup but a rapid recovery providing you continuity for your business data.

G-Suite Backup

There is a widespread misconception that data created and stored in G Suite does not need to be backed up. While Google certainly has you covered when it comes to any outages on their part, recovering data due to accidental or malicious deletion is your responsibility.

When data is deleted or corrupted by your users, companies like yours face three major problems: Lost data, lost time, and loss of income.

Companies need to consider a multi-layered approach when it comes to security against ransomware and other cyber attacks. G Suite data is not invulnerable—without sufficient backup, companies stand to risk losing all of their files. With point-in-time backups, you can restore individual files or an entire application’s data from a backup snapshot taken prior to the attack.

Approved Systems Pty Ltd – Microsoft 365 and G-Suite Backup Solution

Pricing (as of July 2022)

Time Based Retention
Licenses1 Year CommitmentMonth to Month
Pricing is per License count and includes GST

Time Based Retention (TBR)
Backup snapshots are retained for up to 1 year, following the schedule denoted below:
• 3x daily backups are retained for 30 days
• Dailies are kept after 30 days
• Weeklies are kept after 90 days, then stored rolling, for up to 1 year

Infinite Cloud Retention
Licenses1 Year CommitmentMonth to Month
Pricing is per License count and includes GST

Infinite Cloud Retention (ICR)
Backup snapshots are retained indefinitely, following the schedule denoted below:
• 3x daily backups are retained for 30 days
• Dailies are kept after 30 days
• Weeklies are kept after 90 days
• Monthlies are kept after a year, then stored for selected retention period


  • All licenses in a pool purchased with a 1 Year commitment subscription, including licenses added during the subscription term, will have the same co-termination date as the first license purchased in that pool.
  • SaaS Protection licenses will be charged for all protected users with a SaaS Protection status of active, archived, or paused. Saas Protection licenses may also be charged based on usage that requires a license from the underlying domain provider (for example, shared mailboxes).
  • All product use is subject to product fair use policies
    • Approved Systems reserves the right to limit usage and/or
      charge additional amounts if usage:
      • results in excessive bandwidth or storage
      • harms our services, network, or any computer
      • system circumvents intended use of the product