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Business Grade Antivirus Protection

Approved Systems can proactively monitor and manage your network environment so you can focus on your core business. We understand that a single solution will not meet the needs of every organisation. That’s why Approved Systems offer flexible packages to suit your requirements


Remote Monitoring and Management


Avast Business CloudCare


Authorized AVG CloudCare Reseller

Approved Systems can provide your with a combined Managed and Self Managed Network Monitoring Solution for your Home and Office.

We can actively monitor and ensure your devices have the latest Malware (virus) protection, both in office and roaming on laptops.

Each of your Windows Laptops, Desktops and Servers just has a tiny service application installed which allows a security solution.

  • Support Module Application
  • Business Grade Antivirus Software
  • Capabilities for additional features
    • Remote IT Capability
    • Email Filtering Capability
    • Email Archiving Capavility
    • Content Filtering Capability
    • Secure Online Backup  Capability

Prices start as low as $2.50 per month per machine.